
Bound – Post-Jam Analysis

In between Oregon State University’s summer and fall terms, I knew I would have a few weeks of downtime to dedicate to side projects and game development learning. I signed up for a game jam called the Whisker Jam 2022, where the limitation was you had to include a feline in some way! The voting…

Whisker Jam 2022

I created this rage platformer in just one week for a game jam using Unity, ranking 1st in “Creativity” and 3rd Overall out of ~30 entries, hence the bronze (png of a) trophy!

I wrote a post on my dev blog detailing my wins and failures during the game-making process. One of the key takeaways I learned was the importance of accessibility and keeping your target audience in mind when finding the fun through iteration and gameplay programming.

Inspired by this experience, I also recorded a YouTube video essay! In the video I break down rage platformers and why they’re still fun despite being so inherently punishing. I then talk about Bound and my experience creating a rage platformer of my own during a game jam!

Project for CS361 – Software Engineering I

I created this 2D, top-down, high-score based game in C++ using the raylib library.

Most students’ projects were web or terminal-based applications, but of course, I took this opportunity to sharpen my C++ game programming skills.

The game features basic enemy AI, coordinate-based collision detection, and asynchronous client-side code for use of a leaderboard microservice using ZeroMQ.

This is a video walkthrough of the project which I submitted as part of the final for CS361. I ended up receiving a 100%!

OSU Beaver Welcome Week Game Jam

In just a couple minutes I break down the project and walk through the game!

My First Game Jam

Playable in-browser on!

I’ve done many game jams since, but my first submission will always hold a place in my heart.

I was particularly proud of this submission, as it was ranked 2nd in Game Design out of more than 80 entries.

In this short puzzler, you play as the benevolent wind, escorting aimless airships to safety. The game features multiple levels of increasing difficulty and a chill, Studio-Ghibli-esque aesthetic.

A short (~1:00) break down/summary of the development process!

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